MySQL :: MySQL 8.4 Reference Manual :: INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Statement INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Statement If you specify an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause and a row to be inserted would cause a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY, an UPDATE of the old row occurs. For example, if column a is de
- UNIQUE index 혹은 PRIMARY KEY 기준으로 중복값 체크해서 없으면 insert 아니면 업데이트
ㄴ 여기서 중요한 거는 기본키 기준으로만 중복을 체크하는 것이 아니라 unique 키 기준으로도 체크한다는 사실.
If you specify an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause and a row to be inserted would cause a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY, an UPDATE of the old row occurs. For example, if column a is declared as UNIQUE and contains the value 1, the following two statements have similar effect:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
UPDATE t1 SET c=c+1 WHERE a=1;
The effects are not quite identical: For an InnoDB table where a is an auto-increment column, the INSERT statement increases the auto-increment value but the UPDATE does not.
If column b is also unique, the INSERT is equivalent to this UPDATE statement instead:
UPDATE t1 SET c=c+1 WHERE a=1 OR b=2 LIMIT 1;
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